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The Organisations

A List of Organisations in Scottish Salmon Farming

Scottish Salmon Producers' Organisation

Representing and promoting a number of producers who subscribe to the SSPO so-called "Code of Good Practice" with carefully targeted PR on political & technical information.

They claim to be behind all sorts of interesting phenomena such as:

"Scottish success story"

"An outstanding example of Good Food"


This latter claim is demonstrated by pictures of toddlers, apparently eating their recipe of "Salmon & Pumpkin Puree", despite the overwhelming evidence that farmed salmon is toxic (HERE).


We'll investigate the SSPO further in this website. 



Scottish Environmental Protection Agency



Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre

These people are the conduit between private Salmon producers and the "wider sector" (public and private).

They promote growth and they wave funding figures around in an attempt to attract more funding.

They seek funding from Government and private sector for in-house & external R&D. R&D projects attract tax relief so it's a win win for any investors - in theory.

In reality, it is believed that the Salmon farming industry may be run like a "Ponzi scheme", whereby investors returns and shareholders dividends are paid out of new investors cash. 

Until we know the actual hard value of the industry to Scotland, that is looking more likely all the time.


Of course, any innovation in the Salmon farming sector is welcome but unfortunately the underlying mission of the SAIC is to drive expansion. 

"Picking a scab to make the wound go away."


Their latest topic is running with Zero Waste Scotland & SEPA on the idea of using domestic food waste to breed Black Soldier Fly as a feedstock for salmon production.

It must be tricky for the SAIC to comment on WHY they would want to do this as any mention of the current source of food (Peruvian anchovies) being in any way "unsustainable" would undermine everything they stand for.

Marine Scotland

"Responsible for the integrated management of Scotland's seas, working closely with delivery partners Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)."


By having Fergus Ewing and Roseanna Cunningham at the helm, they are caught in a conflict of interest as far as Salmon farming is concerned, between leading the protection of Scotland's coastal waters and seas and leading the pollution of the same thing.


Their Licensing Operations team is a central point-of-contact for activities such as depositing substances on the seabed. But don't bother contacting them about toxic faecal discharges from Salmon farms. They will pass it to SEPA to do nothing about.


A statistical generation machine, churning out figures to try to bolster the Salmon farming industry and usually trying to silence any criticism from anglers or anyone trying to link the decline in wild fish stocks with Salmon farming.


RSPCA Assured

This isn't what you'd expect from the RSPCA.


They charge an amount based on biomass, in turn for their "RSPCA Assured" label on supermarket Salmon.


A body of advisers, almost entirely from the Salmon farming industry provide an information service to the RSPCA.

RSPCA Assured have documents detailing minimum welfare standards on Salmon production. 


From investigative work carried out on these farms, and from official figures on disease, mortalities and health and welfare it is clear RSPCA Assured do not hold underperforming feedlot operators accountable and in the end, it is nothing more than just a label.


RSPCA Assured are misleading the public.


See here for a video of an RSPCA Assured farm welfare nightmare!

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